@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009566, author = {橋田, 元 and 中岡, 慎一郎 and 小野, 恒 and 中澤, 高清 and 吉川, 久幸 and 青木, 周司 and 森本, 真司 and 山内, 恭 and 小達, 恒夫 and 福地, 光男 and Hashida, Gen and Nakaoka, Shin-ichiro and Ono, Hisashi and Nakazawa, Takakiyo and Yoshikawa, Hisayuki and Aoki, Shuji and Morimoto, Shinji and Yamanouchi, Takashi and Odate, Tsuneo and Fukuchi, Mitsuo}, issue = {特集号}, journal = {南極資料, Antarctic Record}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 全球の炭素循環を解明する上で,大気-海洋間の二酸化炭素(CO_2)交換を定量化することは最重要課題のひとつである.高緯度海域は風が強く,表層海洋中のCO_2 分圧(以下,pCO_2)が大気よりも低いために,CO_2 の吸収域として重要な海域である.特に,全海洋面積のおよそ20% を占める南大洋は,巨大なCO_2 の吸収源と考えられている.しかし,他海域に比べて観測機会が限られており,CO_2 吸収量の正確な評価に結びつくpCO_2 のデータの蓄積は十分ではない. 本報告では,「しらせ」の東経110度における長期pCO_2 観測から,pCO_2 が大気中のCO_2 濃度よりも若干低い増加率で経年変化していること,また,2001年12月~ 2002年3月に実施された東経140度における複数船時系列観測から,pCO_2 の夏季の詳細な時間変化とその要因を明らかにした., In order to elucidate the secular trends of oceanic CO_2 uptake in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, pCO_2, the partial pressure of CO_2 in the ocean surface layer, has been measured since 1987 on board the icebreaker Shirase. Meridional distributions of pCO_2 along 110゜E in early December clearly show steep changes at such fronts as the subtropical front, subantarctic front, and polar front. Although pCO_2 of each zone shows interannual variation, secular trend is detectable. For example, the estimated rate of increase of pCO_2 in the permanent open ocean zone between the polar front (around 53゜S) and the northern edge of winter ice cover (63゜S) is about 1.3 μatm y, which is slightly lower than the rate of increase of the atmospheric CO_2 concentration. From the results obtained by multi-ship observations with 4 research vessels in the Southern Ocean in summer, we found that the values of pCO_2 off the coast of the Antarctic Continent (66゜S) varied temporally by 100 μatm for 5 months. We also found that nDIC decreased with time from December 2001 to March 2002 in the upper layer from 100 to 200 m due to biological activity during summer.}, pages = {438--448}, title = {南太洋オーストラリア区における表層海洋中の二酸化炭素分圧の経年変化と季節変化}, volume = {54}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ハシダ, ゲン and ナカオカ, シンイチロウ and オノ, ヒサシ and ナカザワ, タカキヨ and ヨシカワ, ヒサユキ and アオキ, シュウジ and モリモト, シンジ and ヤマノウチ, タカシ and オダテ, ツネオ and フクチ, ミツオ} }