@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008056, author = {中村, 純二 and 前田, 坦 and NAKAMURA, Junji and MAEDA, Hiroshi}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), MAP期間中,昭和基地において,中間圏および下部電離圏の物理的状態や気象状態を調べるため,口径比の大きいラウンチャーによりメソゾソデを打ち上げる計画を提案する.計画中の「MSL-160」型ラウンチャーは口径155mm,全長13mであって,重量12kgのメソゾンデを高度120kmまで打ち上げる能力がある.小型ロケットでも同様な観測が行えるが,それに対するメソゾソデの主な特徴は,30分から1時間おきの打ち上げが実施できることで,たとえば,人工雲法により大気の波動的性質を調べることができる.また,きわめて経済性が高く,たとえば,毎週1回定期的な気象観測を行うことも可能である.TMA, Na, Ba雲等の地上観測は,昭和基地,みずほ基地ならびにスカルブスネス露岸地帯の3点より行う.実施に当たっては,日本で事前に性能試験や観測,技術連絡等を行っておく必要がある., A new tool named mesosonde was developed by using a large-scale gun for ionospheric and meteorological research purpose. Type "MSL-160" gun has a size of 155 mm in caliber and 13 m in length. An apogeeof 12 kg weight of payload is about 120 km. In comparison with small rockets, one of the main characteristics of the mesosonde is a possibility of production of luminous clouds in every hour or in every half an hour, which would enable us to analyze wave properties in the upper atmosphere. Also as the mesosonde is an economical tool, we are able to get statistical characteristics about the stratosphere dynamics from a large number of launching. Trimethyl aluminum, sodium or barium clouds may be photographed from Syowa Station, Mizuho Station and a temporary observatory near Skarvsnes. Before setting up the "MSL-160" gun at Syowa Station, several flight tests should be performed in Japan.}, pages = {65--74}, title = {メソゾンデの将来計画}, volume = {65}, year = {1979}, yomi = {ナカムラ, ジュンジ and マエダ, ヒロシ} }