@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008054, author = {加藤, 進 and KATO, Susumu}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Middle atmosphereは成層圏より熱圏下部に至る大気を推している.この大気の部分は従来ほとんど知られざる世界であった.このmiddle atmosphereの重要性が明らかになったのは,超音速飛行(SST)で発生するエンジン排気ガスが,成層圏のオゾンを破壊する恐れがあると警告された頃からであった.その後,人間活動が地球環境に与える影響に関する研究の発展と共に,広くmiddle atmosphere全体の解明が重要な問題となってきた.一方,超高層へのエネルギーの収支,太陽活動と天気,気候変動との関連といった問題の解明にも,middle atmosphereの研究が必要となってきた.リモートセンシソグ技術の進歩,大型計算機の出現もこの研究推進の要望の重要なモーメントである.SCOSTEP(国際太陽地球間物理特別委員会)はこの状況のもとに,MAPを計画することになり,日本もこれに応ずる準備をしている., The middle atmosphere, which extends from the tropopause at an attitude of 10-15 km to the lower thermosphere at about 120 km, has remained inaccessible to observation, and thus poorly understood, for many years. However, it is now realized that the middle atmosphere is an important part of our environment which we must understand. Weather and climate may be affected by the middle atmosphere, which is disturbed from below through various natural and artificial processes and from above through precipitating particles, etc. of solar origin. Pollution from man's activities may upset the chemical balance in the middle atmosphere, resulting in increased health hazards to all life. The Inter-Union Special Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) has proposed the Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) as an international scientific project to increase our understanding of this important region. The necessary observational techniques, largely of a remote sensing type, are currently available, as are largs computers necessary for the data analysis and theoretical support. Well coordinated observations will be essential in the middle atmosphere program because of the comolex coupling between chemical, transport, and radiative processes. In Japan a Working Group for MAP has been established by the Science Council of Japan, and the planning for MAP is now under way.}, pages = {45--51}, title = {MAPについて}, volume = {65}, year = {1979}, yomi = {カトウ, ススム} }