@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008037, author = {林, 幹治 and 小口, 高 and 国分, 征 and 鶴田, 浩一郎 and 渡辺, 富也 and HORITA, R.E. and HAYASHI, Kanji and OGUCHI, Takashi and KOKUBUN, Susumu and TSURUDA, Koichiro and WATANABE, Tomiya and HORITA, R. E.}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Feb}, note = {P(論文), カナタ,マニトハ州において,IMS観測の一環として実施した,極光帯からプラスマポーズにかけての地磁気脈動の観測結果から,次の事柄が知られた.昼間帯の地磁気脈動は,がいして広範囲にわたってよい相関を示し,磁気圏におけるHM波の効果と見なしてよいが,明け方の地磁気脈動は相関距離が短く,脈動型オーロラに伴う電離層電流のゆらぎによるものと考えられる.また,夕方側によく見られるPc1型脈動は,その波源は小さな領域に限られており,広範囲の拡がりは主として上部電離層のダクト伝搬によるものと思われる., Geomagnetic pulsations in the auroral zone through the plasma-pause were examined on the basis of IMS observation data obtained in Canada. It was shown that the geomagnetic pulsations in the daytime are reasonably accounted for in terms of HM waves propagating from outside, and that the pulsations in thedawn sector, on the other hand, are likely due to the fluctuations in the ionospheric electric currents related to the pulsating auroral precipitations. It was also shown that the wave characteristics of Pc 1 pulsations in the dusk sector are consistent with the confinement of their initial source region in a small extent, spreading through the upper ionosohenc duct.}, pages = {127--133}, title = {極光帯-プラズマポーズ領域のULF波動の特性}, volume = {64}, year = {1979}, yomi = {ハヤシ, カンジ and オグチ, タカシ and コクブン, ススム and ツルダ, コウイチロウ and ワタナベ, トミヤ} }