@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007969, author = {神沼, 克伊 and 鳥居, 鉄也 and 矢内, 柱三 and 松本, 源喜 and 田中, 良樹 and Kaminuma, Katsutada and Torii, Tetsuya and Yanai, Keizo and Matsumoto, Genki and TANAKA, Yoshikazu}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Nov}, note = {P(論文), 1976-77年の南極の野外調査期間,マクマード地域においては,日本隊は地震観測,地質および地球化学調査,隕石探査などを実施した。隕石探査は日米合同のプロジェクトで,1976年12月から77年1月にかけて行った.合計11個,総重量460 kgの隕石を南極横断山脈西側の裸氷帯上で発見した.これは南極ビクトリアランドにおける最初の隕石発見である.マクマード地域の地質調査は,昭和基地周辺の地質構造との比較研究上重要で,ロス島やドライバレーで多くの標本を採集した.ドライバレー掘削計画(DVDP)の最後の調査として,採水を主目的とした地球化学調査をロス島のロイズ岬,ドライバレーのバンダ湖,ボニー湖,:ドンファン池などで行った., The Japanese party consisting of five members participated in the last field survey season in the McMurdo Sound region from November 4th, 1976 to January 23th, 1977. The main international project of this season was the search for meteorites, named ANSME (Antarctic Search for Meteorites), U.S.-Japan joint program. Eleven specimens of meteorites have been found in the area of bare ice near Dry Valleys, South Victoria Land. The total weight of collected meteorites amounted to 460 kg, 4.5 times larger than that of Yamato meteorites which had been collected by Japanese parties around the Yamato Mountains, 350 km southwest of Syowa Station. The geological survey was carried out in the McMurdo Sound region for comparative study of geological structures with those in Lutzow-Holm Bay. Water samples were collected for chemical analyses in detail from Don Juan Pond in the Wright Valley and Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley. Field geochemical studies were also carried out at several places in the Dry Valleys and Ross Island. This program is a supplementary work to complete the geochemical researches of the Dry Valley Drilling Project. Micro-seismological observations with three-component seismographs were conducted for three weeks at Scott Base and four days at Vanda Station.}, pages = {132--146}, title = {1976-1977年マクマードサウンド地域国際共同観測報告}, volume = {60}, year = {1977}, yomi = {カミヌマ, カツタダ and トリイ, テツヤ and ヤナイ, ケイゾウ and マツモト, ゲンキ and タナカ, ヨシキ} }