@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007919, author = {増田, 彰正 and 田中, 剛 and 朝倉, 純子 and 清水, 洋 and MASUDA, Akimasa and TANAKA, Tsuyoshi and ASAKURA, Junko and SHIMIZU, Hiroshi}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), やまと隕石(j),(k)および(m)の中の希土類元素(REE),Ba,Rb,Srを安定同位体希釈法によって定量した.(j)については,任意に二つの部分をとって分析した(提供された試料は,やや粗い粉末試料だった).最も代表的な希土類元素相互存在度を示すと考えられるLeedeyコンドライトの値で規格化すると,(k)は最も小さい分化を示すが,Euによく見られる異常は別として,GdとDyとの間に不連続性が見られるのが特徴である.(m)と(k)は,成因的な関連が深いと判断された.(j)の二回の定量値の間には,興味深い,系統的な差がある.(m)と(k)との関連,および(j)の内部的分化は,共に,もとの母体小惑星内での溶融と結晶分化の効果を強く示唆すると解釈できる., Yamato (j), (k) and (m) meteorites were analyzed for rare-earth elements (REE), Rb, Sr and Ba. The Leedey-normalized REE pattern of (k) shows a small discontinuity between Gd and Dy. However, the REE pattern of (m) normalized by (k) exhibits a smooth fractionation with no Gd-Dy gap, except for Eu which is to be dealt with separately on account of its possible divalent state. The smooth fractionation between (m) and (k) suggests a genetically close association in origin. Yamato (j) was investigated for two fractions, j_1 and j_2. The REE abundances in the former are not so smooth as that of the Leedey chondrite, and are lower than in j_2. Meanwhile, the internal abundance ratio pattern of j_2 against j_1 shows a quite smooth one, which can be explained in terms of the melting and subsequent solidification process, the mixing of the products mainly representing the residual melts, and the generally common partitioning function pertaining to the process.}, pages = {197--203}, title = {やまと(j),(k)および(m)隕石の中のREE, Rb, Sr, Ba}, volume = {58}, year = {1977}, yomi = {マスダ, アキマサ and タナカ, ツヨシ and アサクラ, ジュンコ and シミズ, ヒロシ} }