@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007882, author = {坪井, 誠吉 and 戸田, 嘉秋 and 吉村, 寿人 and 坂本, 登 and 朝比奈, 一男 and 井村, 裕夫 and TSUBOI, Seikichi and TODA, Yoshiaki and YOSHIMURA, Hisato and SAKAMOTO, Noboru and ASAHINA, Kazuo and IMURA, Hiroo}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 血中コルチゾールの日内リズムの変化を,昭和基地に居住する隊員について調査した.年4回(3月,6月,9月,12月),昼夜時間の異なる時期を選び,1日4回(8時,12時,18時,22時)採血し,血中コルチゾールを測定した.日内リズムの乱れは,暗期の6月に得られ,他の3時期は,正常のリズムであった.さらに,個々のリズムとそれらの睡眠覚醒時間を合わせて考慮すると,血中コルチゾールの日内リズムは,睡眠覚醒の周期に合い,ピークは,ほぼ,覚醒時に得られた.6月,12月に行った睡眠覚醒の変化に伴うリズムの変化,夜勤者から得られた各時期の一定したリズムから,昼夜の変化より,睡眠覚醒周期が,血中コルチゾールの日内リズムの重要な因子の一つであろうと考えられた., With collaboration of the members of the 14th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE), circadian rhythm of plasma cortisol levels was studied in 4 different seasons during a year. Blood specimens were obtained from 30 members at 22:00, 08:00, 12:00, 18:00 on each experimental day. Time-study was performed on the same days for all members. They had arbitrary daily schedules and sleeping times, except for several members in charge of machine maintenance, 3 weathermen and 2 correspondents, who followed their own fixed schedules. "Normal" circadian rhythm was observed on the days in March and September which have the same day-night cycles as in Japan. The rhythm was disturbed in June, the month of darkness throughout the day. In December, the season of midnight sun, the nyctohemeral rhythm was maintained although plasma cortisol levels were slightly elevated. The members of the machine maintenance group had "normal" rhythm at every period. The nightworkers had inverse rhythm at 4 different period. The circadian rhythm reexamined 4 days after changing the sleep-wake cycle showed the time shift according to the new sleep-wake period. These results suggest that the circadian rhythm of plasma cortisol levels depends on the sleep-wake cycle rather than on the day-night cycle.}, pages = {97--105}, title = {南極圏における日本南極地域観測隊員の血中コルチゾール日内リズムについての研究}, volume = {57}, year = {1976}, yomi = {ツボイ, セイキチ and トダ, ヨシアキ and ヨシムラ, ヒサト and サカモト, ノボル and アサヒナ, カズオ and イムラ, ヒロオ} }