@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007565, author = {中川, 一郎 and 柿沼, 清一 and 矢内, 桂三 and 遠藤, 八十一 and NAKAGAWA, Ichiro and KAKINUMA, Seiichi and YANAI, Keizo and ENDO, Yasoichi}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 昭和基地における重力の潮汐変化の観測が,1968年6月18日07時から同年同月25日07時(UT)までの7日間にわたり,LaCoste重力計G-118を用いて,約1時間ごとの読みとりによって行なわれた.得られた資料は,最小自乗法によって解析せられ,1968年6月18日07時(UT)に対して,つぎのような結果が求められた.[table], Tidal variation of gravity was observed in Syowa Station, Antarctica, by means of LaCoste gravimeter G-118. It was carried out by visual reading at intervals of about one hour during a period of 7 days from June 18, 07h to June 25, 07h, 1968 (UT), the number of reading attaining to 169. The data obtained and the corresponding computed tides on a perfectly rigid earth were analyzed by the method of least squares and were compared with each other. It was then found that the tidal factor of gravity and phase lag are 1.376 and -3°.73 for K_1 constituent and 1.145 and -3°.16 for O_1 constituent, respectively.}, pages = {59--64}, title = {昭和基地における重力の潮汐変化の観測}, volume = {36}, year = {1969}, yomi = {ナカガワ, イチロウ and カキヌマ, セイイチ and ヤナイ, ケイゾウ and エンドウ, ヤソイチ} }