@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007533, author = {神沼, 克伊 and 江頭, 庸夫 and 吉田, 光雄 and KAMINUMA, Katsutada and ETO, Tsuneo and YOSHIDA, Mitsuo}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), The seismological observation at Syowa Station was begun in 1959 by the 3rd party of JARE (Japanese Antaictic Research Expedition) using a HES seismograph of Z component In 1961, adding HES seismographs of two horizontal components, the seismological obsetvation at Syowa Station was carried out with a three component seismograph Since 1966, the observations have been continued by JARE, using HES seismographs of three components The period of pendulum is 1 0 second and that of galvanometer is also about 1 0 second In 1967, a three component long-period seismograph was installed at Syowa Station. The period of pendulum was 15 0 seconds and that of galvanometer was about 1 0 second Using an amplifier between the pendulum and the galvanometer, we get the same characteristics of amplitude and phase as the long-period seismograph operated by USCGS But there were many troubles in the system, and we could not get satisfactory data In 1968, the long-period seismographs have been operated without an amplifier Theie are many pioblems in operating long-period seismographs in Antarctica}, pages = {65--70}, title = {昭和基地の地震観測}, volume = {33}, year = {1968}, yomi = {カミヌマ, カツタダ and エトウ, ツネオ and ヨシダ, ミツオ} }