@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007275, author = {石野, 誠 and 奈須, 敬二 and 小竹, 勇 and 田口, 武 and 植松, 貞行 and 河嶌, 拓治 and ISHINO, Makoto and NASU, Keiji and KOTAKE, Isamu and TAGUCHI, Takeshi and UEMATSU, Sadayuki and KAWASHIMA, Takuji}, journal = {南極資料}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Based on the data obtained by the UMITAKA-MARU (Tokyo Univ. of Fisheries, 1453) during the period from Dec. 1961 to Feb. 1962, the general oceanographic conditions are discussed in this paper. During this expedition the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, PH, Phosphate-P and Silicate-Si are investigated at all stations. As a result the followings are summarized; (1) along the oceanographic sections off Australia and Africa the Antarctic Convergences are clearly distinguished, (2) in the Indian Antarctic waters the south-going warm deep water affects to the higher latitudes zone than in the Atlantic region, (3) in the Weddell cold water region where the northerly and southerly oceanographic sections are investigated the upwelling of Warm Deep Water is critically observed, (4) by the chart of dynamical topography the meandering of west-wind drift current around the Weddell cold water region is estimated.}, pages = {1586--1645}, title = {インド洋南極海および大西洋南極海の海況について}, volume = {19}, year = {1963}, yomi = {イシノ, マコト and ナス, ケイジ and コタケ, イサム and タグチ, タケシ and ウエマツ, サダユキ and カワシマ, タクジ} }