@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000061, author = {サトウ, タカヒロ and イワブチ, ヨシロウ and イイジマ, アズマ and オイヌマ, カオル and コバヤシ, カズオ and SATO, Takahiro and IWABUCHI, Yoshiro and IIJIMA, Azuma and OINUMA, Kaoru and KOBAYASHI, Kazuo}, journal = {JARE scientific reports. Ser. C, Geology}, month = {Oct}, note = {P(論文), Results of soundings carried out during five Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions are summarized. The bottom sediments collected by the 5th Expedition were analyzed concerning the grain size distribution, chemical composition, gravel composition, heavy mineral association, clay mineral composition and organic matters. The area studied is divisible into at least four sedimentary petrographic subprovinces on the basis of gravel composition, heavy mineral association and clay mineral composition. It is probable that these sediments were transported to the present sites from different sources without much sorting effects. The occurrence of trioctahedral illite in clay fraction may be the result of weak chemical weathering in the Antarctic region.}, pages = {1--42}, title = {Geological Research on the Bottom Sediments Sampled by the Fifth Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition}, volume = {4}, year = {1965} }