@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006028, author = {Ueda,Yuji and Miyamoto,Masamichi and Mikouchi,Takashi and Hiroi,Takahiro}, journal = {Antarctic meteorite research}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Y000593 (Y) is a newly found nakhlite and its component minerals are augite (~80 vol% ), olivine (~10 vol% ) and mesostasis (~10 vol% ). We compare the reflectance spectrum of Y000593 with those of two other nakhlites, Nakhla and Lafayette. The reflectance spectrum of Y000593 is similar to that of Nakhla, and is also similar to Lafayette except for differences in slope from 0.6-0.8μm in wavelength. Reflectance spectra of all these nakhlites show two strong absorption bands around 1μm and 2μm due to augite. Their band minimum wavelengths were calculated using the polynomial fitting and the modified Gaussian model (MGM). Almost all of their band centers and band parameters were similar to one another, which is consistent with the mineralogical and petrological study of nakhlites.}, pages = {94--104}, title = {Reflectance spectra of the Yamato 000593 nakhlite: Spectroscopic similarities to other nakhlites}, volume = {16}, year = {2003} }