@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005309, author = {オダテ, ツネオ and フクチ, ミツオ and ODATE, Tsuneo and FUKUCHI, Mitsuo}, journal = {Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology}, month = {Feb}, note = {P(論文), Temporal changes in phytoplankton abundance under Antarctic fast ice were investigated at three sites around Syowa Station from January 5 to February 6, 1992. One was located in the western part of Ongul Strait (Station A); the other two were in Kita-no-ura Cove (Stations B and C). Fast ice was thicker and snow coverage was heavier in the latter than in the former. During this period prominent blooms were observed at both areas when air temperature increased. Chlorophyll a abundance within the 5-30 m water column rapidly increased from January 12 to 17 and reached a maximum of 226 mg/m^2 at Station A. The increase was more gradual at Stations B and C than at Station A. The maximum abundances occurred on January 21-23 at Stations B and C, and corresponded to 65 and 53% of the maximum at Station A, respectively. The observed difference in bloom development seems to result from light availability, which was affected by ice and its condition.}, pages = {125--130}, title = {DIFFERENCES IN DEVELOPMENT OF SUMMER PHYTOPLANKTON BLOOM UNDER FAST ICE AROUND SYOWA STATION, ANTARCTICA (17th Symposium on Polar Biology)}, volume = {9}, year = {1996} }