@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005232, author = {トダ, ヒデシゲ and ヤギ, カズユキ and ヨウ, ムネオキ and タケウチ, マコト and TODA, Hideshige and YAGI, Kazuyuki and YOH, Muneoki and TAKEUCHI, Makoto}, journal = {Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), Methane (CH_4) and nitrous oxide (N_2O) emissions were measured using a chamber (25×25 cm, 15 cm in height) in peatlands in northern Quebec (57°45'N, 76°09'W) in the summer of 1991. The pH in the interstitial water was 4.4-5.6. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was scarce; nitrate and nitrite concentrations were usually <0.01 mg NL^<-1> and ammonium concentrations were 0.02-0.30 mg ML^<-1>. Methane emission ranged from 0.1 to 18.9 mg CH_4-C m^<-2> d^<-1> in peat bogs. Nitrous oxide emission slightly exceeded our detectable threshold only in a peat bog (0.04 mg N_2O-N m^<-2> d^<-1>) and in a palsa top (0.02 mg N_2O-N m^<-2> d^<-1>).}, pages = {237--242}, title = {MEASUREMENT OF METHANE AND NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS FROM THE PEATLANDS IN NORTHERN QUEBEC, CANADA (15th Symposium on Polar Biology)}, volume = {7}, year = {1994} }