@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005154, author = {Takeuchi,Ichiro and Takeda,Masatsune}, journal = {Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Three species of amphipod crustaceans were described based on the specimens collected from Breid and Lutzow-Holm Bays, Antarctica, during the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-26 Cruise): Aeginoides gaussi SCHELLENBERG, 1926 and Dodecasella elegans K. H. BARNARD, 1931 of the phtisicid Caprellidea, and Neoxenodice hoshiaii n. sp. of the podocerid Gammaridea. Dodecasella elegans seems to show a sexual dimorphism in enlargement of gills on pereonite IV in the male. Neoxenodice hoshiaii n. sp. is closely related to N. cryophile LOWRY, 1976 from the Ross Sea, but distinguished from N. cryophile by the compressed form of coxae on pereonites III to IV.}, pages = {65--82}, title = {Three species of amphipod crustaceans collected from Breid and Lutzow-Holm Bays,Antarctica, during the JARE-26 Cruise}, volume = {5}, year = {1992} }