@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002936, author = {タムラ, サナエ and キクチ, タダシ and タカハラ, ヒサオ and ミシマ, ミナコ and フジイ, ヨシユキ and Tamura, Sanae and Kikuchi, Tadashi and Takahara, Hisao and Mishima, Minako and Fujii, Yoshiyuki}, journal = {Polar meteorology and glaciology}, month = {Nov}, note = {P(論文), He-microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (He-MIP-AES) (H. Takahara, Ultra Clean Technol., 5,310,1993) has been used for the characterization of individual micro-particles. The GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) geochemical reference samples, JB-la (basalt, Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture), JB-3 (basalt, Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi Prefecture), and JR-1 (rhyolite, Wada Pass, Nagano Prefecture) were analyzed by He-MIP-AES. The major elements, Si, Fe, Ca, and Mg, and the minor elements, Cr and Ni, in these rock reference samples were chosen for analysis. We have directed our attention to the elemental compositions found from the correlation of simultaneous emissions especially. The JB-1a and JB-3 showed different characteristic correlation of simultaneous emissions between Fe and Mg, even though both of them are classified as basalt. This suggests that we can characterize micro-particles by measuring the correlation of simultaneous emissions for individual particles and analyzing the distinctive features of their correlation for all particles. Namely, the He-MIP-AES technique should be applicable for the identification of individual particulate matter, such as tephra particles.}, pages = {124--132}, title = {Application of He-microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectroscopy to an analysis of individual particulate matter}, volume = {15}, year = {2001} }