@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002918, author = {ヤマノウチ, タカシ and ヒラサワ, ナオヒコ and カドサキ, ガク and ハヤシ, マサヒコ and Yamanouchi, Takashi and Hirasawa, Naohiko and Kadosaki, Gaku and Hayashi, Masahiko}, journal = {Polar meteorology and glaciology}, month = {Nov}, note = {P(論文), A polar cloud detection algorithm, which uses the scatter diagram of brightness temperature and brightness temperature difference of 10μm split window channels of AVHRR, was evaluated at Dome Fuji Station, Antarctica. Among the data of June 1997,most of the cloudy scenes were effectively detectable. However, some of the cloudy scenes were not detectable with only the scatter diagram. It was found that additional information on the temporal variation of brightness temperature permitted effective detection.}, pages = {110--116}, title = {Evaluation of AVHRR cloud detection at Dome Fuji Station, Antarctica}, volume = {14}, year = {2000} }