@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002874, author = {ナカムラ, マサミチ and ミヤモト, ヒトミ and ナリタ, オサム and ヨコタ, アユミ and NAKAMURA, Masamichi and MIYAMOTO, Hitomi and NARITA, Osamu and YOKOTA, Ayumi}, journal = {Polar meteorology and glaciology}, month = {Nov}, note = {P(論文), Rawinsondes used for upper air observations at Syowa Station, Antarctica have been changed from type RS2-80 to type RS2-91 since January 1,1995. To determine the temperature differences of two types of sonde at Syowa Station in winter, comparisons were made in September 1996. From these comparisons, we found that RS2-80 measured a higher temperature than RS2-91 at air temperature lower than about -65℃. It is suggested that the temperature dependence of the converter in the RS2-80 type may be the reason for this phenomenon.}, pages = {124--129}, title = {COMPARISON OF TEMPERATURE DATA MEASURED BY RS2-91 AND RS2-80 RAWINSONDES AT SYOWA STATION, ANTARCTICA}, volume = {12}, year = {1998} }