@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002795, author = {カガミ, ヒデオ and KAGAMI, Hideo}, journal = {Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Antarctic Geosciences}, month = {Sep}, note = {P(論文), The canyons off Clarie Coast show a large-scale erosive channel without terraced walls throughout their course. This shape might be formed by basemental upwarp deformation during the glacial period, and by the ocean basin deepening due to the thermal cooling effect of the lithosphere. In contrast, canyons off Adelie Coast develop predominantly on the continental slope and the upper continental rise, and fade apparently on the lower continental rise. By re-examination of the seismic profiles, it is found that the continental basement forms an arching structure under the continental slope and the upper continental rise off Clarie Coast, which was originally block-faulted during the rifting stage of the continental margin. The arching structure might be formed during addition or subtraction of ice sheet weight, which could be called repeated isostatic rebound at the continental margin since the Pliocene.}, pages = {181--192}, title = {TOPOGRAPHIC CHARACTER OF THE EAST ANTARCTIC CONTINENTAL MARGIN OFF WILKES LAND}, volume = {8}, year = {1995} }