@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000340, author = {板木, 拓也 and Itaki, Takuya and 徳田, 悠希 and Tokuda, Yuki and 石輪, 健樹 and Ishiwa,Takeshige and 佐々木, 聡史 and Sasaki, Satoshi and 菅沼, 悠介 and Suganuma, Yusuke and 青木, 茂 and Aoki, Shigeru}, journal = {南極資料, Antarctic Record}, month = {Jul}, note = {第61次日本南極地域観測隊(JARE-61)では,南極観測船「しらせ」(AGB-5003)による初の本格的な採泥観測が行われた.堆積物試料は,大口径グラビティーコアラー及びGSJ型木下式グラブ採泥器を用い,トッテン氷河前縁~ダルトン・ポリニア海域,リュツォ・ホルム湾,ケープダンレー・ポリニアの3海域の計28地点において採取された.本論では,今後の調査の参考としてオペレーションの詳細を記録するとともに,これらの試料を用いた今後の分析の基礎情報として,得られた堆積物の予察観察結果を報告する., The first systematic sediment survey by the icebreaker Shirase (AGB-5003) was conducted during the 61st Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-61). Sediment samples were obtained from a total of 28 sites in 3 areas of the Totten Glacier front–Dalton polynya, Lützow-Holm Bay and Cape Darnley polynya using a large-bore gravity corer and GSJ-type K-grab sampler. In this paper, details of the survey operation are described as a reference for the future experience. In addition, preliminary results of the obtained sediments are reported as a fundamental information for future analysis using these samples.}, pages = {21--35}, title = {第61次日本南極地域観測隊における「しらせ」を活用した採泥調査}, volume = {68}, year = {2024} }