@misc{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000103, author = {Hu, Jinyi and Tsuda, Takuo and Ejiri, Mitsumu and Nishiyama, Takanori and Nakamura, Takuji and Tsuno, Katsuhiko and Abo, Makoto and Kawahara, Takuya and Ogawa, Takayo and Wada, Satoshi}, month = {Nov}, note = {The 14th Symposium on Polar Science/Interdisciplinary sessions [IW] Whole Atmosphere, Wed. 15 Nov. / Entrance Hall (1st floor), National Institute of Polar Research}, title = {Seasonal variations in the potassium layer over Syowa station (69.0°S, 39.6°E), Antarctic}, year = {2023} }