@misc{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017163, author = {Ito, Yuri and Hosokawa, Keisuke and Ogawa, Yasunobu and Miyoshi, Yoshizumi and Fukizawa, Mizuki and Murase, Kiyoka and Oyama, Shin-ichiro and Nakamura, Satoko and Kasahara, Yoshiya and Matsuda, Shoya and Kasahara, Satoshi and Kazama, Yoichi and Hori, Tomoaki and Yokota, Shoichiro and Keika, Kunihiro and Wang, Shiang-Yu and Tam, Sunny and Shinohara, Iku}, month = {Nov}, note = {The 13th Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions [OS] Space and upper atmospheric sciences, Wed. 16 Nov.}, title = {Relationship between energy of pulsating auroral electrons and duct propagation of chorus wave: simultaneous observations with EISCAT radar, ground-based all-sky imagers, and Arase satellite}, year = {2022} }