@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015443, author = {Khare, N. and Mishra, O.P. and Taguchi, Satoru}, journal = {Polar Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {The most impressive initiative for polar scientific research in India is conspicuously evident from the execution of meticulously designed polar research programmes embedded with diverse style of their research applicability, which was successfully implemented in order to usher a new era of polar research in India by late Dr. S. Z. Qasim, a pioneering doyen of the Indian polar programme. His tireless contributions to polar science programme opened up new avenues to make significant advances in geophysical and geological observational network of the polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic) that helped achieve scientific breakthrough involving global issues and their impacts to climate science. In order to commemorate his pertinent contributions in polar scientific research, we organize and publish this special issue of Polar Science on “Recent advances in climate science of polar region”.}, pages = {1--4}, title = {Recent advances in climate science of polar region}, volume = {18}, year = {2018} }