@misc{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014501, author = {Kohei, Fukuda and Hajime, Hiyagon and Wataru, Fujiya and Takanori, Kagoshima and Yuji, Sano}, month = {Dec}, note = {第8回極域科学シンポジウム/個別セッション:[OA] 南極隕石 12月6日(水)国語研究所 2階講堂 The Eighth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions: [OA] Antarctic meteorites Wed. 6 Dec./2F Auditorium, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics}, title = {Li-Be-B isotopic compositions of CAIs in the Yamato 81020 CO3.05 chondrite: Implication for the origin of 10Be in the early solar system.}, year = {2017} }