@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014135, author = {Tachibana, Aiko and Watanabe, Yuko and Moteki, Masato and Hosie, Graham W. and Ishimaru, Takashi}, journal = {Polar Science}, month = {Jun}, note = {Copepods are one of the most important components of the Southern Ocean food web, and are widely distributed from surface to deeper waters. We conducted discrete depth sampling to clarify the community structure of copepods from the epi- to bathypelagic layers of the oceanic and neritic waters off Adélie and George V Land, East Antarctica, in the austral summer of 2008. Notably high diversity and species numbers were observed in the meso- and bathypelagic layers. Cluster analysis based on the similarity of copepod communities identified seven cluster groups, which corresponded well with water masses. In the epi- and upper- mesopelagic layers of the oceanic zone, the SB (Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current) divided copepod communities. Conversely, in the lower meso- and bathypelagic layers (500–2000 m depth), communities were consistent across the SB. In these layers, the distributions of copepod species were separated by habitat depth ranges and feeding behaviour. The different food webs occur in the epipelagic layer with habitat segregation by zooplankton in their horizontal distribution ranges., 本研究では、2008年夏季に沖合から浅堆において、表層から中深層までの広範囲に及ぶ深度別採集を行い、南大洋インド洋セクターのカイアシ類の群集構造を明らかにした。類似度指数をもとにしたクラスター解析により、カイアシ類群集は7つのグループに分類され、それらの分布は水塊とよく一致していた。沖合から浅堆の表層域では、沖合ではSB-ACCを境に2グループが、浅堆上では固有のグループがみられた。一方、中層から深層では、種の多様性が高く、群集は深度によって分かれた。これは種間の分布が、深度や摂餌生態によって鉛直方向に分かれたためであった。表層では、動物プランクトンの水平的棲み分けに起因し、食物網構造が異なることが示唆された。}, pages = {34--45}, title = {Community structure of copepods in the oceanic and neritic waters off Adélie and George V Land, East Antarctica, during the austral summer of 2008}, volume = {12}, year = {2017} }