@misc{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013890, author = {T, Yada and M, Abe and T, Okada and H, Yurimoto and M, Yoshitake and K., Sakamoto and T., Matsumoto and N., Kawasaki and M., Nishimura and K., Kumagai and S., Matsui and Y., Nakano and M., Uesugi and Y., Karouji and A., Nakato and M., Hashiguchi and M., Fujimoto}, month = {Nov}, note = {第7回極域科学シンポジウム:[OA] 南極隕石/はやぶさ 11月29日(火)国立国語研究所 2階講堂}, title = {Recent results of initial descriptions of Hayabusa samples and their 4th international announcement of opportunity}, year = {2016} }