@article{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001342, author = {Higuchi, Keiji}, journal = {Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), The dependency of the δ^<18>O values of drifting snow on distance from the coast was studied on the basis of the data obtained by the traverse of the 15th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition in 1974. The rate of horizontal variation of the δ^<18>O value was 7.5 and 7.8‰/100km in the coastal region, and 4.2 and 5.0‰/100km in the inland region. On the basis of a simple model of the precipitation process, it can be said from the rate of horizontal variation of the δ^<18>O values that precipitation in the coastal region is from convective clouds with large vertical velocity and precipitation in the inland region is from clouds related to synoptic scale disturbances with small vertical velocity.}, pages = {122--126}, title = {Dependence of oxygen isotopic composition of surface snow on distance from coast in Mizuho Plateau}, volume = {24}, year = {1982} }