@misc{oai:nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011078, author = {大田, 竜也 and Tatsuya, Ota}, month = {Nov}, note = {Notothenioid fish, the dominant species in the Southern Ocean, is one of the most intriguing group of species from evolutionary viewpoint. One major reason of their evolutionary success is the acquisition of anti-freeze glycopeptides (AFGP) by the modification of trypsinogen, which enables them to survive even under harsh environment of the Southern Ocean where temperature can become as low as about -2℃. Another peculiar example of adaptive evolution is nonfunctionalization of hemoglobin genes in icefish. Although loss of hemoglobin is generally lethal for vertebrates, extensive modification of cardiovascular system in icefish has compensated such disadvantage with ensuring sufficient oxygen transport. Recent studies of mitochondrial genes, furthermore, have shown that the evolutionary rates of genes involved in cellular respiration are much higher compared with other teleosts (see also Nagata and Ota in this symposium). In order to shed light on the molecular evolution of notothenioid genes in larger scale, we are currently investigating the genes expressed in Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) spleen, one of important tissue of hematopoiesis, with taking advantage of technological progress of next generation sequencer. So far 55180 nucleotide sequences were assembled from about 11 million 50-mers by using velvet program (table 1). Subsequent analysis of assembled sequences then revealed that genes highly expressed are those involved in protein synthesis and folding, protein degradation, cellular respiration, cellular movement, innate and adaptive immunity, oxygen transport, iron ion storage and homeostasis, and protection against freezing, as shown in table 2. In the presentation, I am going to further discuss the results obtained in detail from molecular evolutionary perspectives., 第32回極域生物シンポジウム 11月30日(火) 国語研究所 2階講堂}, title = {次世代シークエンサーによるライギョダマシ脾臓RNAのトランスクリプトーム解析}, year = {2010} }